News From The Hive header over a background imge of kids on our farm in dirty workboots

News from the Hive, Feb 2023

What's been happening here at The Hive?

Well the start of the year has been a blur, how is it nearly March already?!

There's been lots happening for the business and our home and I'm excited to share some of our highlights from these past two months.

Like many parts of Australia, we've had a wet summer which has delayed some of our plans but at least the ducks loved it and watering hasn't been an issue. The plants are loving it too and the grass and weeds are also going off!

We welcomed baby Zeus:

In mid-January one of our alpacas gave birth to a gorgeous baby boy named Zeus! Mama alpaca is healthy, he has grown so much already and our girls are obsessed. Fingers crossed for some more additions to our alpaca clan soon.

Baby Alpaca Zeus

Picking and planting:

Our garden is a big part of our home, life and business and it's been more productive than ever lately. We've been picking tomatoes and broccolini and planning our winter crops like beetroot. We also picked our first harvest of white currants and gooseberries, which were a huge hit with the girls :) 

Picking Gooseberries

The Honey and Glow studio is getting a glow up:

Between work, kids, life etc Marty and I have been working on building a new studio space in our existing shed. It's been in the pipeline for so long so I'm so happy about how it's taking shape and can't wait to move in!

If you want to see the progress I've been posting video updates on Insta.

Honey and Glow studio build

Even more sustainable solutions:

A big part of our business is reducing waste and unnecessary packaging, so I'm proud to share our latest development - soap slabs. Our packaging is already minimal but when you buy a slab, you get 10 bars without the individual wrapping. 10 bars of our natural, handmade soap to stock up or share with friends and family. A small change but I'm all about those tiny steps to help you live a more simple, sustainable life. And don't worry, our individual soap bars will still be around! 

Honey and Glow Winter Soap Slab

We hope you enjoyed this little look into our life at Honey and Glow HQ. We're excited about what this year could hold and can't wait to share it with you along the way. Thank you for your support and wishing you abundance for 2023!

Erin x